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Case Studies

Six-Figure Settlement Achieved in Prince George’s County Pastoral Abuse Case

Our client, an adult woman in her 20s, joined Church Doe, headed by Pastor Doe, a married minister.  Our client was recently divorced and emotionally vulnerable after discovering that her husband had a second family and left her homeless and virtually penniless.  Pastor Doe welcomed our client to the Church, gave her employment and an apartment to live in, all in exchange for sexual favors, which he demanded.  The domination and control was such that the Pastor convinced our client to add him to her bank account, and if the Plaintiff refused or attempted to refuse sexual favors, then her health and/or her job was threatened, as well as access to her bank account.

Despite knowledge by several if not all of the Board members of the inappropriate relationship, the Church’s Board failed to act or intervene in any way. As a result of the emotional damage sustained, our client continues to undergo counseling for the indefinite future. Mike Nakamura successfully settled the confidential case in Prince George’s County. Our client was awarded an undisclosed six-figure amount.

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