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Slip and Fall Injury Attorneys

Slip & Fall Injury Lawyers In Maryland

For some, a slip and fall in a public place is nothing more than an embarrassing incident. For others, however, its impact on their health and wellbeing will be felt for years to come.
Many accident victims are initially hesitant to consider their legal options for seeking compensation. Often, they don’t speak with a slip and fall attorney until they realize the full extent of their injuries and the necessity of a long recovery becomes apparent.

Whether or not you are planning on seeking legal compensation, it’s important to know your rights from the start. The slip and fall injury attorneys at Potomac, MD’s Shulman Rogers offer a free consultation to anyone involved in an accident. We’ll help you review the incident and explore your options should you decide to pursue legal action.

What Causes Slip & Fall Accidents?

Slip and fall accidents can happen anywhere. While the specifics of the incident will determine whether or not it is possible to pursue a personal injury lawsuit, some common examples of hazards in which there is clear liability on the part of a person or organization may include:

  • Tripping hazards, such as debris, uneven floors and un-cleared ice and snow.
  • Poor lighting, particularly in stairwells and other close quarters.
  • Work sites and other dangerous areas that aren’t clearly labeled.
  • Structurally unsound buildings, decks and other surfaces.

Ultimately, it is the responsibility of a property owner to ensure premises are safe for use by anyone who visits them. A Shulman Rogers slip and fall injury lawyer can examine your case and give you an honest assessment of your chances for a successful lawsuit. We can also advise you on how to make an insurance claim, including whether or not it should be done through your policy or that of the owner of the property where the incident occurred.

What Damages Are Covered?

Recovering from a slip and fall injury can be a long process, particularly if the victim is elderly or a child. Ideally, if insurance is involved, your settlement will cover all expenses related to your recovery. However, many find that when costs — including hospital care, surgery, physical therapy or prescription medicines, as well as loss of income and diminished earning capacity — build up, it is necessary to seek additional compensation.

Shulman Rogers can collect the evidence you need to mount a personal injury lawsuit following a slip and fall injury. If you’ve suffered serious medical consequences as a result of your accident, quality medical care and ample time away from work can make all the difference in your recovery.

Don’t let yourself suffer unnecessarily. Our slip and fall accident injury lawyers make the legal process easy with open communication and skilled representation you can trust to advocate for your interests.

Contact Shulman Rogers Today

Based in Potomac, MD, the slip and fall injury lawyers at Shulman Rogers represent clients throughout Maryland and the DC metro area, Maryland and Virginia. Call our office or use our convenient online tool to schedule your free consultation with our team.